Toby! Kyler!

K9Cast with Tara and Walter!

A podcast about dogs, dog training, rescue, shelters, adoption and more!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Almost been 2 years

Ok, it's almost been 2 years and STILL no new K9Casts or solid answers as to when we'll be back. The reason why is because The K9Cast is something we're just not willing to let go, we LOVE it - but we don't yet have the time or energy to make it happen due to our new life since we moved. Our baby is almost 2 years old and another is on the way. Believe it or not we still hear from our listeners who want to know if and when we're going to come back. Well, the plan for The K9Cast now is that when the kids are old enough to help we will get back into I hate to say it but, the answer is it could be years at this point.

That said, don't be a stranger! We love hearing from listeners and value the time you've invested in us! We've fixed it so that all our episodes are now available again to download from our own server (they were down due to podshow/mevio switching servers) and we're going to leave this website and podcasts up indefinitely for you to review and listen to whenever you want-- and for new listeners most of the episodes are as relevant today as when we first recorded them. So we hope that can continue to be a resource for dog owners for years to come, even in it's "static" state.

So thank you so much for sticking with us all these years- the email address still works and we read all the mail that comes in. Hope your 2008 Holiday Season is a wonderful one and we'll see you next time- and remember, if you haven't already, please remember to spay or neuter your dog, it's the best thing you can do for your furry friend!

PS-We're still keeping the email list going- so be sure to add your email to the form below, and as we said before, we will only send a single email if we ever post a new podcast and we will not share your email address with anyone or use it for spam.

Your address:

Friday, November 24, 2006


2006 is almost out, but are we? That remains to be seen. We thought we were going to be getting back into the habit, but we recently had a baby(!) and it's changed everything for us! :)

Walter is still working on the house but several rooms have been finished and the office/studio is next! Once there is a computer with microphones in front us we're sure to record something... it's just a matter of when.

To that end we don't think it's fair to make it so you have to keep checking this page to see what's new- so we've setup a form (below) for you to fill out with simply your email address. We will only send you a single email when we post our first new podcast again, we won't share it with anyone and it will not be used for spam. This way you won't miss it :)

Your address:

Happy Holidays

Tara, Walter, Toby, Kyler and Baby

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Fall :)

Almost! We're still here and thinking about you all- figured we'd owe you a blog post atleast. We can't wait to podcast to you all again and catch up!! Thanks for keeping up with us!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Still here!

Now that life is starting to get regular we've managed to find almost all the pieces we need to record the show and put them together! It won't be long now until you'll hear us again!!

Happy 4th of July to everyone! Be sure to take a listen to our July 4th 2005 edition of K9Cast where we cover what to do for dogs that are spooked by fireworks :)

And speaking of 2005, has it already been a year? WOW!

Talk to you soon!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

We miss you too!

Just wanted to let you know that we're still here, and haven't forgotten about you! Thanks for sticking with us!!!! Toby and Kyler say hi!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Things have been a little crazier then usual around here, we just closed on a house and have been working non-stop on it! We're going to setup a nice place in our new home for K9Cast and post a new episode as soon as we can, we'll be back soon!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter and Passover!

Just wanted to let everyone know that we're still working on the next K9Cast! There were so many late nights at work this week that we had to push it to next week, so thanks for your patience, see you then!